Private markets
In addition to traditional investments, we also actively monitor the private market, both in the Nordic countries and internationally. We help our clients to find the right investments for their risk profile.
In the Nordic region, we have the benefit of the entire CapMan Group’s +30 years of experience in the private markets. We also look internationally for other attractive opportunities for our clients.
As part of the CapMan Group, we also offer our clients direct access to leading Nordic alternative investments (including private equity, real estate and infrastructure investments) and access to CapMan’s investment teams.
For professional investors only.
International markets
CapMan’s strong brand and long-term relationships with leading investment teams allow us to provide our clients with access to sought-after fundraising opportunities in international markets.
CapMan Wealth Services Investment Partners (”CWSIP”) program
- CWS Investment Partners is an annual program that invests in sought-after US mid-market private equity (PE) funds, which are often access-constrained. The program is offered in partnership with AlpInvest.
- AlpInvest is one of the largest global private equity asset managers, with over USD 86 billion in commitments since its inception (as of December 2022). This gives AlpInvest access to highly sought-after PE funds.
- AlpInvest has achieved a competitive track record of ~21% average net IRR in years 2009-2022.
- CapMan Wealth has the right to veto presented investment opportunities to avoid excessive risk concentrations in terms of investment strategy and geographical allocation.
- Only for professional investors.